IMPORTANT NEWS and INFORMATION on how to get well, stay well and protect your health rights in this polluted and greedy world. Effective remedies to many so-called "incurable" conditons and diseases.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


This is so important that you should read the entire article and Dr. Mercola’s comments. If the Chinese government was at war with the US they would only have to do what they are doing to win over time.
The Roman empire reputedly fell due to lead poisoning in their eating and drinking utensils, i.e. they were driven mad and thus incapable of defending themselves properly.

Lead in children’s toys and cell phones; now pharmaceuticals and many other food products are being off loaded secretly to China. Do they really have our best interests at heart? You tell us. In the meantime, better look for other sources like Canada and maybe some European companies. When China gets their act together, and the FDA finally decides to represent the best interests of Americans, then we can think about given both another chance. Right now, it is playing Russian Roulette, or should be say Chinese Roulette?

"An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that an estimated 106,000 hospitalized patients die each year from drugs that, by medical standards, are properly prescribed and properly administered. More than 2 million more suffer serious side effects.”

Dirty Drug Industry Secret: Their Pills are Made in China

“Foreign drugs were dangerous, the FDA warned, because they were not subjected to rigorous quality control requirements -- the implication being, of course, that brand-name pharmaceuticals sold in the United States are not contaminated.This has been proven to be yet another lie. Heparin, a blood-thinning drug made by Baxter International, was recently discovered by consumers to be manufactured in China, where the quality controls were so low that this FDA approved, brand-name drug was apparently deliberately contaminated with an adulterated chemical. It has now resulted in the death of dozens of consumers in the United States. The very scenario dreamed up by the FDA to warn consumers away from pharmaceuticals purchased in Canada or Mexico turns out to be true -- for a brand-name drug sold at monopoly prices in the United States.The FDA has not inspected 93 percent of the factories that manufacture pharmaceuticals outside the United States, and many of the pharmaceuticals manufactured for U.S. drug companies are contaminated with metal parts from the gears of processing machines or flecks of paint from factory walls.Many brand-name drugs are NOT tested for contaminants before being sold to consumers in the United States, Canada and other countries, regardless of where they were manufactured.”

Dirty Drug Industry Secret: Their Pills are Made in China

"Trust no least in government." Paraphrasing the X-files.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Truth About HPV and Vaccinations Like Gardasil

The Real Story: HPV and Vaccinations

Its about time we realized that vaccinations are just another consumer manipulation; that they are no more effective or safe than any of the other allopathic “remedies” that have been foisted upon us by an elite, greedy, and very cynical group that decides what is best for us, (and their wallets). Do the research, due diligence like you would with any other important decision, and you will cringe at what they have done and are doing to us. Why is medicine exempt from the suspicion we throw up when other salesmen come a-calling?

Is the Rise in Male Oral Cancer Related to HPV?

“Yet, what you hear in the media is how common HPV is; it’s an infection that more than half of Americans will encounter during their lifetimes, they like to say. What they don’t tell you, however, is also what’s most important to know:
About 90 percent of all HPV infections go away on their own within two years.
A JAMA study found that just 2 percent of the patients in the study were infected by the kinds of HPV that put them at high-risk for developing cervical cancer.

A little more than 3 percent were infected with the types of HPV that Gardasil was concocted to prevent.

So, 98 percent of the time, HPV is not even a high risk of causing cervical cancer. And 97 percent of the time, the HPV virus that women get is one that Merck’s vaccine Gardasil does NOT prevent.”

Just in:

"While the FDA claims adverse reactions to Gardasil are rare, a review of the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data shows that several thousands of adverse reactions have been reported in the United States alone. And hundreds of Australian girls have experienced side effects like paralysis, dizzy spells and seizures, but Australia's Department of Health and Ageing refuses to release any details."